Manage Unwanted Emotions At Christmas.

It's that time of year again, a time where many of us can feel overwhelmed.

Try working any of these into your day to get your emotions out when the silly season feels a little too much:

Me time - aim for 30 minutes a day alone doing something that you get completely lost in. Can't do 30 minutes? Try 15

Smile - the 'feel good' neurotransmitters of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are released when we smile. Your smile must be as genuine as possible, or at the very least your brain must think that your smile is genuine. If you cannot bring yourself to produce a genuine smile, any smile is at least a start.

Physical exercise - A 30-minute walk is enough to burn off adrenaline and cortisol and dump the feel-good endorphins into our brain.

Feel your feelings - Sit and focus for five minutes on how you feel and what you are experiencing. Get angry, get annoyed, get frustrated, get whatever it takes to explore them all and feel the different sensations until you either run out or the five minutes is up.

Talking - Saving the best for last, talking with others not only helps us express how we are feeling, but also helps to get ideas on how others manage the festive season.

Let's talk!