What Is The Right Choice?

'Good things come to those who wait', or is it 'Make hay while the sun shines'? Or maybe 'Patience is a virtue', or Good things come to those who wait'. Sayings like this aren't much help when you are pondering a difficult decision.

Most often, you find the correct saying after the event and blame yourself for not following that advice.

When pondering a difficult decision, there are two options to use that work for most people. The first is to write it down. Those who follow me will know that writing something down engages the logic side of your brain, the left side, whereas creativity and worry is on the right side.

Additionally, when we write something down it lodges the thought into our subconscious which keeps working on our problem when we aren't. If you want to, you can also write the pros and cons of the two choices which will increase your logic thought process. If you don't arrive at an answer, forget it, the correct answer will come to you either while you are in the shower or in our creative period, 3 a.m. (That’s one of the reasons why you wake at 3 a.m. by the way).

The second option you have when making choices is to go with gut instinct. This sounds like a weird thing to do but most often it is more accurate than logic if you can get it to work for you. Gut instinct isn't actually your gut, it is a part of your brain that is unaffected by communication (words) and emotion (feelings).

So how do you use it? When we are struggling with a decision there is often two choices to make, one is in the forefront of our mind and appears to be the right thing to do whereas the other sits at the back of our mind niggling at us. It's this one, the niggly one. 

Gut instinct is something that has developed over time. It is innate in us all. Finding it and trusting it is the key to making the right decision. The best saying to follow when struggling to make the right decision is ‘If it feels right, it is’.

I try to follow a simple rule – say what is in your heart and go with your gut. Know that it is actually your head, just not the stupid bit of it.