Ways To Lose That Sale

If you want to destroy that much needed rapport that you have taken time to build and lose that sale, try some of these:

  • Tell the person to "Calm down", "Take a deep breath" or say that you "Understand how they are feeling".
  • Start thinking of your next question while the other person is still talking.
  • Change the topic because the conversation wasn't going in the direction you wanted it to.
  • Interrupt them mid-sentence because you think that you know what they are going to say.
  • Finish off their sentences for them.
  • Encourage them to talk faster by talking faster yourself. 
  • Let your thoughts wander off if the other person talks for longer than 10 seconds.  
  • You could try asking a question and then listening just for the answer that you want to hear.
  • Or perhaps start talking without really knowing what you are going to say.  
  • Maybe you could keep losing eye contact because you are disinterested in what the other person is saying.
  • Try doing most of the talking if the other suggestions aren't working.
  • Raising your voice or standing up when you want the person to stop and listen to you is a good one.
  • Change the tone of your voice to sound arrogant when you know that you are right.  

However, if you want to maintain rapport and make that sale, do the opposite of all the suggestions listed above and also add these:

  • Get the other person to talk about themselves first.
  • Use their name in the first sentence.  
  • A great thing to do if you have the time beforehand is to find out about the customer and their business, then talk about that as an introduction. 
  • Ask an open ended question such as “How is business going?”  That will definitely get them talking. 
  • Remember not to talk for longer than 60 seconds and do this in 20 second sound bites. 
  • Another tip from past days is to get the person to say the word ‘yes’ three times in a row.  This encourages them to form a pattern and make it easier to make the sale.
  • Remember also that everyone wants to know “What’s in it for me?”  Always link your service or product to an outcome that meets their lifestyle or needs.  
  • Price is always an issue for most.  If it is a stumbling block then break the cost down to something easily understood such as “That’s just the price of a cup of coffee each day”. 
  • Always provide your customer with choices then ask “Which option would suit you best?”  This again gives them control and ownership of the decision. 
  • Finally, under-promise and over-deliver. Never say that you can do something unless you are absolutely certain you can.