Always Reach Out!

In support of World Suicide Prevention Day, the 10th of September.

Taking one's life is definitely not cowardice. More often than not the person is tired.

Tired of struggling with what to them seems like a life filled with negative events, their rational brain hasn't fully developed yet so they are unable to rationalise their negative thoughts when a series of 'life' events hit them. They get tired of fighting, so flight takes over from fight.

In every single case that I have ever been involved in, talked with, read about, watched, investigated, or examined - at the time of suicide the person is never themselves. At the point of suicide, the person changes, their thoughts are no longer theirs and there is no longer any control. What are the common signs that someone might be struggling;

🕯️ They get busy - can't sit still for any length of time, have lots of tasks on the go, stay up late to keep their mind occupied, and are high achievers because they are always busy.

🕯️ They isolate themselves - won't go out to socialise, won't talk with others about their negative thoughts, and push away those who are close to them. Importantly for me, they won't look at you when you talk with them.

🕯️ They become tired - only sleeping intermittently, they become lethargic, don't want to exercise, become messy, and don't care about their hygiene.

🕯️ They self-medicate - there is an increase in drugs and/or alcohol (they will always gulp when drinking alcohol), an increase in destructive behaviour; gambling, smoking, and self-harm.

🕯️ They start to look pale - when things are getting on top of them, the blood flows from the outer extremities towards the major organs to keep the person alive, the body is going into self-preservation mode.

If you are reading this and you are struggling, reach out. 1737 is the organisation in New Zealand that I endorse. There are great organisations in every country who are there to help, use them. Don't listen to your thoughts, listen to those around you, because your thoughts are no longer yours.

You have been strong enough to keep fighting by yourself and you don't need to do it alone. Show your true strength and reach out.

We’ve got this, together!