Is Journaling Worth It?

✍️ Journaling - is it worth the effort?

We are all different, what works for one person may not work for another.

For me, I prefer only to record the good things. As another friend described "The glass half full approach". For me, writing something bad down to change or to avoid it next time does not work. If journaling what you want to change or to avoid works for you when bad situations occur then go for it.

Here are my tips if you wish to get started:

💪 Reinforce your strengths: Write down three strengths and when you use them - write down the positive result

📈 Improve your strengths - Write down the areas you wish to improve on, and how you might do that

🙏 Gratitude: List 5 things you are grateful for - then write out how you can engage in activities that include one or more of those things in your life. For a simpler approach, start with writing just one thing you are grateful for each day.

➡️ Change something: Write down what it is that you want to change and how you could best introduce that change by doing one thing each day towards that goal.