Learn how to develop emergency response plans for natural disasters, criminal acts, and other emergency situations.


  • Understand how the brain behaves in an emergency or while under stress.
  • Learn techniques to brainstorm ways of dealing with emergencies.
  • Develop emergency response plans for various emergencies – civil, criminal, or personnel related.
  • Identify the three immediate responses in any situation.
  • Effectively manage events immediately following critical events.
  • Know how to organise and run emergency drills.
  • Strengthen personal resilience through controlled awareness.

Key Topics

  • The brain – What happens to our thinking process when faced with emergency situations?
  • Safety awareness – How to identify the many responses to various situations and select the most appropriate.
  • Developing response plans – Understand the factors that hinder response ideas and how to overcome these so that you have a comprehensive list of responses.
  • Prioritisation of responses – List the various steps in order of priority and eliminate the invalid responses. 
  • Stay or go – The most important question to answer is whether to stay or to leave, learn the factors relevant to this question.
  • Develop your consistent plan – Develop your response plan according to all of the information and check that the response works in various emergencies.
  • Communications and control - Who is responsible and how is this communicated as things change?
  • Overcoming the obstacles - Self-control, complacency, and the 'sheep' factor.
  • Test scenario – Undertake scenario testing to ensure validity of your final plan.
  • Managing the negative impact on self and others during and following an emergency.
  • Personal resilience – Managing the adverse reactions and stress long-term.

Business Outcomes

  • A robust plan is developed to mitigate organisational and operational risk.
  • A consistent response is taken to all emergency situations.
  • Communication during emergencies is enhanced.
  • Emotional stressors are reduced therefore personal recovery time is faster.
  • Competent staff at the forefront of emergency response protocols.

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